Spring is in full swing at the Preschool. The staff and children are looking forward to warmer weather and outdoor adventures.  In the month of March, we talked about weather and if March came in or went out like a Lamb or a Lion.  We also celebrated Dr. Seuss’s Birthday and Read Across America Week with books like, The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham and Red Fish Blue Fish.  The preschool families and staff donated over 60 books for children in need at Bell Socialization Services.  At the end of March, the teachers talked about Easter and all things spring.
We will have Preschool Sunday on April, 21st.  Please join us in welcoming our Preschool families to the church.  The children will perform the songs they have learned from Pastor Reep during Chapel Time.  Immediately following the church service, we will host an Open House and invite the congregational members and preschool families to stay for a bagged lunch.  Following lunch, church members may take a tour of the preschool rooms.
The Preschool will also hold a sandwich and sub fundraiser in April.  The sandwiches will be delivered in May.  All orders must be prepaid.  If you are interested in placing an order, please contact the preschool or look for a flyer in the church bulletin.
As we look towards May, we will begin thinking about insects, flowers and the beach.  The Preschool children will also participate in an end of the year program on May 20th followed by an end of the year carnival hosted by our Parent Group.
We also opened registration for the 2024-2025 school year for our current and new preschool families. If you know anyone interested in our Preschool, please have them contact us at 717-854-1996.
Happy Spring,
The Preschool Staff

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