2 Year Old Class
In this class, the idea that children learn best through play is emphasized. Children gain an understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them by playing individually and with other children.
The terrific two’s covers the following concepts throughout the school year:
Social Development
- Begins to alleviate separation anxiety
- Begins to interact with other children in individual and cooperative play
- Recognizes other children
- Shares toys
- Learns to put toys away
- Is able to transition between activities
- Can follow one-step directions (lining up for activities, waiting one’s turn)
- Begins to participate in group activities (circle time, songs, stories)
- Able to sit on carpet squares, keep hands to oneself, focus on teacher
Language Skills and Reading Readiness
- Speaks clearly
- Understands and responds to one’s own name
- Recognizes first letter of name
- Introduced to rhyming words
Visual Skills and Math Readiness
- Introduced to colors
- Introduced to shapes, patterns
- Introduced to numbers 1-10
Fine Motor Skills
- Introduced to scissors, cutting
- Introduced to painting, coloring, gluing, finger painting and finger play
Gross Motor Skills
- Practices hoping, jumping, running, dancing, circling, and clapping
Behavioral Development
- Maintains self control
- Begins to understand self and basic body parts
Available for children who will be 2 years old before September 1 of the current year.
2 sessions – $160.00 per month
Meeting Time
Meets two days a week (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday) from 9:00-11:30 a.m.